
Vegan at The Plaza Food Hall- New York City, NY

Hey y’all. How’s it going my little coffee cakes? (Speaking of which, I could really go for some coffee cake right now)

After a really hard Soul Cycle today, we met up with our good friend Susan for lunch (w/ the little sis Leila in tow) at Plaza Food Hall (see how I slipped in the Soul Cycle? #wink #IWorkout). The Plaza Food Hall is this little fancy food court that has lots of delicious food you can choose from. We sat down in the sit-down restaurant that had all the food stations combined into one menu #ThumbsUpEmojee. 


Leila got the chicken and broccoli stir fry (without the chicken #DUH). I got the simple salad. And Olie, Leila, and I each got the avocado rolls. It was delicious! So yummy. A great place to meet up with friends (vegan and non vegan) to eat variety of great food! Even the “simple” salad was great! Yum!




Leila being weird (as per usual) 


Vegan at The Little Beet Table- New York City, New York

So today on my lunch break from work at Elite Daily (Y’all should check out Elitedaily.com because it’s an awesome website #NotBias #MaybeJustALittle) , I decided to check out this place called The Little Beat table that is really close to my office. I guess I looked up the wrong menu  (or place…I think I looked up the cafe, not the restaurant)  because instead of walking into a cafe with tons of vegan options (including cookies!), it was a fancier sit down restaurant with like no vegan options. I asked the waitress what could be made vegan and she pointed out like 4 things and most were vegetable sides. Not what I was expecting, but I just rolled with it.




I got the pasta without the cheese, because i was hungry AF and carbs are a must for the monday blues. Anyway, it was good! The pasta was whatever but the tomatoes in the pasta were SO delicious and so were the greans in the sauce. I also got the all natural ginger ale. It tasted wonky at first, but the more I drank it, the more I really dug it #SoUh #FuckFirstImpressions. Speaking of the ginger ale, I kind of want it right now.


Would I come back? Probably not. But it was a good way to spend my lunch break (After I got over the confusion that this wasn’t the place I thought it was #soconfusing). I don’t really have much to say about this place other than….yeah. 

Also, on my way back to my apartment, I saw this on the side of the road. Is it just me or is that a Little Beet truck? I think I’m hallucinating.


Vegan at La Fondita- Amagansett, NY

So, the little sis Leila (also a vegan) came home from camp for the weekend and was seriously craving rice and beans before she had to go back (#ThatPuertoRicanLifeDoe). She swore by this place so we had to take a visit! La Fondita means “little kitchen” if ya’ll were wondering. (I’m half Spanish and even I was wondering! I was like da fuq is Fondita?)  DSC00958 DSC00942DSC00948

I was too lazy to get out of the car, so Leila went in and took pics for us. Lol I felt like I was sending out an intern to do our dirty work #ThatInternLifeDoe. But she did a good job! Yay Leila! You go Glen Coco. Anyways, this place is a really cute Mexican place with  some vegan options clearly marked on the menu. Gotta love the consideration! Thanks baes ❤ DSC00947DSC00946

We got the small rice and beans and it was really good! Not as good as my Grandma makes obviously, but very yummy. (My Grandma is a boss ass chef. She literally makes the best Puerto Rican food and has been cooking since she was like 14) Also, my little sister got the lemonade and really liked it as well.  DSC00954DSC00957

This is a picture of my sister, who everybody thinks is our triplet, doing a High School Musical jump outside of La Fondita because she’s normal and not weird at all. DSC00951

Also, another picture to prove that she is totally normal. This is what she decided to bring back to camp (not from La Fondita lol, just thought it was funny). Leila Cohen, everybody! #ThatVeganLifeDoeDSC00952

Vegan at a Clam Bake

Lol, okay I know the title is misleading. What can a vegan eat a clam bake? I know you’re all thinking “Duh, Olie and Bella. Vegans can’t eat anything at a clam bake because clams aren’t vegan you morons!!!” and that is true my friends, but luckily clam bakes have more than just clams! What a wonderful time to be alive! What a wonderful world we live in!

So here are a few of the vegan items at the clam bake just to give you some insight next time you’re invited to one (If you have friends of course… who would invite you to things). 

So for appetizers, they had kale dumplings which were actually so bomb. IDK if you’ll be fortunate to find these golden, crisp dumplings at your clam bake but sometimes that’s just life and you just have to deal with it. 


Then for dinner, they had a buffet and here are some of the items that were strictly vegan (Confirmed by the chef, James) that we ate. I had grilled corn, french fries (guilty as charged), watermelon, rice pilaf, and a delicious chickpea pattie. Diets don’t count on the weekend, okay guys!?


Then for dessert, James was nice enough to buy us vegan smores!!!!! YASSSSSSSSSS. Perfect end to the night. Sitting by the fire w/ some friends and eating like a fat-ass. That’s the lifeeeee. 


Vegan at Provisions- Sag Harbor, NY

You thought Whole Foods was cool? PUL-LEASE. Check out this all natural market place called Provisions in Sag Harbor.  It literally has every delicious vegan snack that you ever eaten, EVER. It’s a magical place. Also, there is a cafe inside that has some yummy vegan options as well. If you are ever in the area, GO HERE. You will probably want to buy one of everything.


Vegan Sandals

So Super Saturday is a shopping event in the Hamptons (I know, this sounds SO betchy but wait for the redeeming quality of it all) where everything you buy goes to charity (The Ovarian Cancer Research Fund). Visit http://www.ocrf.org here to donate or check out the cause!

Anyway, Olie and I spotted these super cute sandals there that aren’t made of leather! How cool! They’re from J/Slides and they are so nifty! Gotta love new fashions finds! Check them out 🙂


Vegan B12 Supplement

So, I know I said I’m super healthy solely because of my vegan diet, but I do take ONE supplement (SUE ME). It’s B12. Ya’ll should take it too.  The reason I take it is because it is usually found in meat, fish, and dairy and ain’t nobody got time for that shit.  For those of you who are wondering, B12 is important for the development of the brain, blood cells, and nerves.

Anyways, this is the B12 I take and I love it. Not only is it cherry flavored, but you don’t have to let it dissolve under your tongue like other B12 supplements. Also, when I showed it to my doctor, he was impressed with how much B12 was in each tablet. And when I got my blood work back, he said my B12 was more than great. So, for all you vegans who are successfully getting all your protein and calcium and such from vegan food (because vegan food is VERY rich in all of those things), just make sure that you do take a B12 supplement so that your brain functions properly and that you don’t go crazy pants or something. We don’t want people to think vegans are nuts, do we?


Being Vegan is Healthy

DUH. Tell me something I don’t know! (Like where Idaho or Kansas is on the map…um)

I am so tired of hearing: “Where do you get your protein?” “How do you get calcium?” “What about all the vitamins?” blah blah blah. Here’s your answer: ALL that shit is plentiful in the vegan diet. I recently had blood work done and got the the results today and my doctor said everything was perfect and that my calcium, protein, and vitamins were great! WOOO! So there ya go bitches, the vegan diet rocks! 

Vegan Hair Product

Yes I know you do not eat hair products, however, animals testing is a thing. A very bad thing. Well, people, especially with crazy curly afros (LIKE US), have no fear because, not only did I find a product that is vegan (no animal testing) but it works like magic!  I use to wear my hair in a ponytail all the time because there was legit no other way to tame it #ICantBeTamed , but because of Miss Jessie’s Pillow Soft Curls, I wear my hair down EVERY SINGLE DAY. I know. I never thought this day would happen.


So thank you Miss Jessie, for helping me look more like a normal person every single day. GO BUY THIS PRODUCT NOW (especially if you have crazy curly hair). Legit, Miss Jessie’s should pay me for how much I advertise this product. I’ve gotten all my friends to buy it too. It works WONDERS. It turns crazy curls into beach waves. So awesome. So amazing. Miss Jessie’s. BUY IT BETCHES.


p.s. On the list of things at the bottom of the container, it has a list of “no’s” but for some reason there is no “no” in front of the word “animal ingredients”. I went over the ingredients and didn’t see anything not vegan, so it must have been a mistake. Why would you ever brag about having animal products after saying “no animal testing”? So I’m pretty sure it’s fine.

Update: I emailed Miss Jessies to make sure this product was vegan and they said yes it was! #YAY!!
