


Hey people of America (and otherwise…we love you too) welcome to our new and improved blog!!*cue the applause*

As you all know (or don’t?), we were previously located at thatveganlifedoe.wordpress.com but as you see folks, we have mad-skillfully dropped the “wordpress” part leaving you all with a much easier url thatveganlifedoe.com ! (Also, our old website was kinda janky AF, so hope you enjoy the upgrade as much as we do! #janky)

Anyway, we transferred all the old posts to this website as well, again, making this really tough transition a little easier for all you die-hard thatveganlifedoe fans #loljk

Anyway, enjoy da blog and keep checking back on your girls to see what vegan adventure we’re up to next.


Gossips Girls (Jk jk, just your good ole pals Olie and Bella)


Hey guys!!! Good news! (Or maybe bad news…?) We’re not dead! We are actually currently working with web designers right now to revamp the blog you live and die on: THATVEGANLIFEDOE!!!

So we apologize for the lack of posts lately. In the meanwhile, we are still posting on instagram and posting new vids on youtube  so stay tuned! (And don’t forget about us! #neverletgojack)

Anyway, we’ll post on this blog when the new website is done with the link and all that good stuff. Excited to share it with all of you guys! #yassss

Vegan gift exchange

Hey everyone! So our friend Maddie from @voguefarmer gave us a wonderful idea to reach out to fellow vegan bloggers in the vegan-sphere of da world and suggested having a gift/goodie exchange! So guese what homies? You bet your vegan butts we did a goodies exchange with the lovely and fellow vegan Miranda from the vegan instagram @mirandaelizz ! She got us vegan junk food, healthy snacks, sopas, lip balm, bath bombs from Lush! It was amazing!!! Make sure to check her out and make sure to try doing a gift exchange with a fellow vegan. It’s supa fun, does not have to be expensive, and hey, what’s better than receiving a box full of vegan snacks in college??? Like nothing.

It’s a big world out there. Let’s make it smaller. #connect #veganlove #thatveganlifedoe


Vegan at Earth Bar- West Hollywood, CA

So, my roomate is no longer a Soul Cycle virgin, courtesy of the twinsie  and I, because we dragged her all the way to West Hollywood to cycle her soul for the first time. May I say…her soul was definitely cycled! (Why did that sound so creepy lol?) 

Anyway, after we sweated ballz, right next door to the Soul Cycle studio is an Earth Bar smoothie bar at the equinox which is now one of my fave smoothie places!!! The smoothies were so bomb and the colors were so cute! Like, I got a green smoothie and felt cool because it was green. Like I was one of those girls with a green smoothie, you know what I mean? 

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Anyway, our smoothie’s were the bomb.com. Allie got a mango pipaya, Bella got a strawberry pineapple, and I got a BOSS ASS matcha green tea banana (with out the spiralina- which is like condensed veggies, ID-even-K man).


Bellas also got a collared green wrap and a ginger shot for our roomie who had a cold. How sweet is she? Sweet as a pie.


Anyway, if you are done getting your soul cycled, stop by earth bar!! 

Oil-free Potato Wedges Recipe

So guys… what do four hungry college sophomores do with 5 potatoes and a slightly embarrassingly (and desperate) desire to not become fat lards? They look up recipes for oil-free potato wedges!!!

On our noble internet quest, we stumbled upon this fantastic recipe: 


So if you are a) hungry b) have potatoes c) have a craving for these so-called potatoes and d)trying to not become a fat-ass, I would def recommend the recipe!!! They were so yummy and I will def try this recipe again!!!! Oil-free and delicious. Crispy on the outside, soft on the inside (just like me *creepy face emoji*) 


Vegan at The Jonathan Club- Downtown Los Angeles, CA

So guys my roommate Sophia and her mom are the absolute best!!! They are, as Sophia would put it, “BALLLLLER!”

After so kindly dropping off vegan groceries and snacks and fruit at our apartment (praise the lord for fresh food lol!) they invited us to have dinner at their country club in DTLA (Downtown LA …for all of you non-natives who don’t know the lingo. I mean, listen to the kids, bro)

We got to eat on the beautiful rooftop and all of the staff was incredibly accommodating to our vegan needs. They had a vegan dish which was rice, bok  choy, and tofu, covered in the most delicious ponzu sauce EVER!!! Legit, such a great meal, the portion wasn’t too big and it was ugh-mazing!


For dessert, we had a passion fruit sorbet sundae with bananas, berries, and berry sauce. SO YUMMAY!


Thanks Mrs. Lopez and Sophia. You guys are balllllller!

Easy Vegan Banana Bread Recipe

So, as you college kids know, any vegetables/fruit you get and don’t use in a week go bad, so you gotta use ’em while they’re hot! We bought two bundles of bananas planning to be healthy and shit and make banana ice cream for brecky but instead they got too ripe and we opted for the dessert path instead #lolz

We decided to make vegan chocolate-chip banana bread. With limited ingrediants in our college apartment, all of the recipes asked for way too many obscure indrediants we didn’t have except for this recipe right here.

LINK: http://low-cholesterol.food.com/recipe/simple-vegan-banana-bread-368209

Instead of sugar, we used coconut sugar and we also used spelt flour as a substitute. IT WAS SO GOOOD!!!!! (and so is this recipeeee!!) 

Screen Shot 2015-08-29 at 3.48.57 PM

We legit went around to every door on our floor and  handed out the leftovers to people. We ended up meeting a bunch of awesome USC kids (And some hotties), accidentally interupting a make-out session on the roof, twerking in the halls, hearing people shit talking us through the door “these girls like came by with banana bread…” (fuck you guys. Hope you choke on the next batch and die. Kidding. But like…next time none for you Gretchen Weiners) and also somehow ended up at an apartment party. Anyway, the night unraveled before our eyes in a very unexpected way. All because our bananas got too ripe.